News | Cinecittà World candida il Set di Ben Hur per la sfida Zuckerberg vs. Musk

Cinecittà World theme Park offers the epic Ben Hur Movie Set for the announced Zuckerberg vs Musk fight in Rome

The excitement is growing for the announced MMA fight between Mark Zuckerberg and Elon Musk, due to take place soon in Rome.

While the eternal city is rich of historical landmarks, it is unlikely that the fight will take place in such archeological sites like the Colosseum: widespread local sensitivity suggests that delicate monuments should not be used for such contemporary shows. Same position for the evaluated alternatives as Pompei, Taormina and similar.

For all these reasons, Cinecittà World, Italy’s #1 Movie Themed Park, after informing the Ministry of Culture, has officially offered what is considered to be the most spectacular ancient Rome original film set in the world: the Ben Hur Arena.

“The Ben Hur set refers to the 1959 blockbuster movie who holds the record for number of Oscar prizes won (11). This huge arena represents the Circus Maximus and has hosted in 2016, the remake of the same movie, starring Morgan Freeman and Jack Houston” - declares Stefano Cigarini, CEO of Cinecittà World - ”while the Chariot’s race remains one of the most iconic scene in the history of cinema”.

As Elon Musk twitted the set has to be Epic and everything in camera frame should be ancient Rome based: a 360° majestic film set has it all.

“We have forwarded the official invitation to Mr. Zuckerberg and Musk foundations” continues Stefano Cigarini “because the Set can host up to 20.000 people, and we can provide hundreds of legionnaires, gladiators and senators, from the historical associations that every day animate our Roma World theme Park”.

Let history begin!

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